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Sheraton Noosa Resort & Spa 5*

Адрес: 14-16 Hastings Street, Box 886, Noosa Heads, Queensland 4567, Australia Phone (61)(7) 5449 4888 Fax (61)(7) 5449 2230http://www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton/search/hotel_detail.html?propertyID=449
Квинсленд, Австралия
Phone: Front view of the hotel Front view of the hotel Star rating: 5 0
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Описание отеля

Адрес: 14-16 Hastings Street,
Box 886, Noosa Heads,
Queensland 4567, Australia
Phone (61)(7) 5449 4888
Fax (61)(7) 5449 2230

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