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7Days Inn Zhuhai Jida Duty Free Store 2*

Westside of Jida Computer Center,No.149 of Jida road, Zhuhai (200 meters to the south away from Kyushu City duty-free market, southeast of the crossing of Jingshan road and Jida road) Чжухай, Китай
Phone: Front view of the hotel Front view of the hotel Star rating: 2 0
Рейтнг 0/10 на основе 0 отзывов
Інфраструктура 0
Харчування 0
Сервис 0
Анімація 0
Інтернет 0
Чистота 0
0 Підписників
0 Відгук
Westside of Jida Computer Center,No.149 of Jida road, Zhuhai (200 meters to the south away from Kyushu City duty-free market, southeast of the crossing of Jingshan road and Jida road) посмотреть на карте
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