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Cicilia Nha Trang Hotels & Spa 4*

Cicila Hotel & Spa is a luxury brand that is shaped by passion and dedication, bringing travelers all around the world a simple yet fulfilling indulgence which goes beyond standard and classiness. With a careful investmen
7 Le Loi Street, Nha Trang, Vietnam Нячанг, Вьетнам
Phone: 0583 822 999 - 0583 822 555 Front view of the hotel Front view of the hotel Star rating: 4 0
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7 Le Loi Street, Nha Trang, Vietnam
показати номер телефону
0583 822 999 - 0583 822 555
Про готель
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Відкрито в 2019 році
  • 7 Le Loi Street, Nha Trang, Vietnam
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Опис готелю

Cicila Hotel & Spa is a luxury brand that is shaped by passion and dedication, bringing travelers all around the world a simple yet fulfilling indulgence which goes beyond standard and classiness. With a careful investment and attention to detail, Cicilia Hotel & Spa features a completely new style and sophistication of a 4-star international hotel. The harmony between both modern and classic styles has made Cicilia absolutely exclusive right in the heart of the city. Ideally resides in the heart of the Nha Trang city, Cicilia Hotel & Spa Nha Trang is perfectly located within walking distant away from the picturesque coastline that will definitely never be forgotten. Cicilia Hotel & Spa is proud to provide 24/7 services. At Cicilia Hotel & Spa, guests re invited to discover an ocean of memories and adventures. Savor your taste with a cup of premium coffee, dine in the hotel's signature restaurants, sunbath by the infinity pool; feel the sea breeze in your face as you awaken for the sunrise at your luxury room; find your inner peace in the oasis of relaxation and serenity at Cicilia Spa. You can also stick to your daily exercise routine at our modern and fully equipped Fitness Center. Our professional and thoughtful team of experts will make you feel like a VIP during your stay at Cicilia Hotel & Spa.

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